Like the Tomatina Tomato Festival! I'm already planning my out fit, red short-shorts, pre-loved sneakers, black swim suit underneath and a baggy white shirt to scribble on with perm-maker!
When: 25th August, 2010 & 31st August 2011.
Where: The battle happens in the small town of Buñol, an hour outside Valencia.

Another Festival must would be the San Fermin Festival with the Running of the Bulls. I want to take part of the running on one of the later days. But it scares me just thinking about it :S Must start practice my jogging! And look for some advice on the net. Need to wear white pants and top with a long red scraf around the waist, and running shoes of course!
When: July 6th to the 14th. Annually.
Where: The city of Pamplona, capital of the Navarra region, near the Basque Country (north Spain)
When: July 6th to the 14th. Annually.
Where: The city of Pamplona, capital of the Navarra region, near the Basque Country (north Spain)
I know bulls run alot fast than I will ever manage.
Las Fellas looks like it will be pretty, prepared to take alot of photos. *Looks at to Rania*
Also plan to eat

Also plan to eat